Right now this site only features the first public preview of ccMixter2Go - an app intented to make listening to ccmixter even more joyful. A basic feature is that it allows you to listen to music from ccmixter while being offline.
It is optimized to be used on mobile phones, but can be used on tablets and even PCs too. But since you cannot swipe on PCs, the usage is a little bit limited. (You discard songs you do not want to hear again by swiping them away.)
Please consider it as highly experimental! (After many month of not touching the app I recently started porting it to be a PWA. The code was ugly before and has not become any cleaner...)The app has been tested with Chrome on Linux, and Chrome and Firefox on Android. While PWAs work generally on iOS they are heavily limitated (you can store only 50 MB offline - not much space for songs...).
So are you ready to go? Then click (or tap) the icon below.
Icon made from Icon Fonts is licensed by CC BY 3.0